Aligned Classwork
I am learning...
Computer Systems (currently enrolled)
Assembly, optimization, and the other underlying principles which make up modern computers
Algorithms (currently enrolled)
How to make computers solve complex problems in an efficient way
Linear Algebra (currently enrolled)
Complex operations for dealing with and exploiting the properties of matrices
I have learned...
Data Structures (Grade: A)
Implementation and design of algorithms for complex C++ data structures including stacks, queues, trees, and heaps
Discrete Structures (Grade: A)
How to solve complex math problems involving whole numbers and boolean values
AP Calculus BC (Score: 5/5)
How to solve complex integrals and interpret calculus concepts in many different contexts
AP Physics C (Scores: 5/5 (Mechanics) + 5/5 (E&M))
Applications of calculus to real-world mechanical, electrical, and magnetic interactions
STEM Seminar
In this class, I completed rust-game with a partner.
AP German 5 (Score: 5/5)
The concluding class of all High School German, where we read challenging texts to improve our German and prepare for the AP exam
AP Computer Science A (Score: 5/5)
An introduction to the OOP through the Java Programming language
TV Productions
How to produce video segments for the school TV broadcast